Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lows and Highs...

Hi there!! 

So...lows and highs...where do I even begin???

First off, I hate my BGs being off. It's great when they're normal or even a tad bit high, but I hate it when they're low/really high...
My BG is probably below 70 1-3 times a week depending on what I'm doing that week. Over the summer when I was in marching band, I would always be super careful to make sure I didn't go low, so I would probably only go low no more than once a week. But, not since school started it's a bit different. For some strange reason I was low yesterday and today when I checked before lunch after band. I have literately been eating the same thing for breakfast every day since school started. I've been eating Goldfish (I don't like normal breakfast food and they're so delicious) on the bus and I never do insulin because I have learned last year and the year before that I would be in the 50s everyday. This whole year my numbers have been great...until yesterday.. I absolutely hate being low at school, mainly because I can't focus on anything. And I feel like I could eat like 3 lunches. And because people think it's cool that I get to drink a CapriSun when I'm low...umm...yeah. I think they're crazy, but I guess they just don't understand what it feels like. 

Now for high BGs.. I actually have never had a BG above 375ish in the 2 years I have had diabetes. I don't know why... But it's a good thing. A lot of people talk about how high they go, but I never do for some reason. Most of the time I'm not above 180. If I'm anywhere above 200 though my mom absolutely freaks out and thinks I didn't do enough insulin and blames me for it. Or, she thinks there is a major problem and wants to call the Diabetes Center. It's kind of annoying... Yes, sometimes I do go high because I didn't do enough insulin, but it's not all the time. And I know she's just trying to make sure I'm staying healthy. Whenever I go to the Diabetes Center for clinic they are always shocked when they see how well controlled I am, and so I can't complain. They have actually called me the poster child for diabetes before which is kind of weird, but weird in a good way. 

I've actually wondered before if the reason I am so controlled is because we caught the diabetes early. I don't know if it has to do with anything or not, but everyone I know that got diagnosed was pretty sick and I never really was. I had ketones but never went into ketoacidosis. They told me I would have if we would have waited though. So, I don't know.. I would think someone would have came up with that idea before, but I've never heard of it.. Hmmm...

Well, I hope you had a great week and that you have an awesome weekend!

Love, Sam


Anonymous said...

hey sam i have a good story about high blood sugar. well the i was dignosed i was at a gymnastics camp 5 hours away from my house!!! the nurses took me to the hospitol and they checked my blood and it was 975!! so they med fligted me to a childrens hospitol in wisconsin. me mom and dad had to drive 6 hours just to get there!! but thats the highest ive ever been!!
luv ya,
martina, type 1 diabetic

Samantha said...

Hi! Wow! That's really, really high. I got diagnosed somewhat early and wasn't nearly that high... only in the 500s. and the children's hospital that I go to is only about a half hour away, which is pretty nice.

Sam <3